According to InvestorsObserver, CoinDeal Token has a weak long-term technical score. This is based on historical trading trends. The proprietary scoring system evaluates price movements over the past year and analyzes where it stands relative to long-term averages. This helps determine whether CoinDeal Token is a solid buy-and-hold investment opportunity.
CDL currently has a better long-term technical score than 0% for cryptos. This ranking metric can be very useful for investors who buy and hold assets. A high level of technical score in both the long- and short-term can indicate assets that have bottomed, giving investors an opportunity to ‘buy a dip’.
Trading Analysis
CoinDeal Token is currently worth $0.000231259. The price of CoinDeal Token is -$0.0012947 (-84.84%) lower than its 100-day average price of $0.00152595454. CDL is $0.0000258, or 5354888.80%, higher than its 52 weeks low price of $0.000205415; and -$0.00981420 (-99545.18% lower) than its 52 weeks high of $0.0100454588. CDL currently trades at 0. Long-term trading movements for CoinDeal Token are indicative of investors being bearish on this token.
CoinDeal Token currently has a market value of $10.832.72 and a low average daily volume of $294.12 for currency exchanges over a 24-hour period. CDL volume is lower than its average, with $45.33 total exchanged over the past 24 hours.